Blythe King

Blythe King leads a diversified life in the arts. She works as an educator, mentor, collaborator, program director, and practicing artist. Blythe’s collage work has exhibited regularly in Virginia through the Richmond Public Library, Eric Schindler Gallery, and the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art. She has also been showcased by the The Griffin Museum of Photography in Massachusetts and the Hillyer in Washington DC. Most recently, she was awarded a 2022-23 Artist Fellowship from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. In 2021, Blythe launched Open Space Education in response to the growing need for equitable access to nature, art education, and alternative modes of learning for Richmond youth. Blythe’s academic background combines an MA in Buddhism and Art from the University of Colorado, with undergraduate studies in Japanese religion and art at the University of Richmond. She currently serves as Vice President on the board of Richmond Zen.

“I remember someone commenting, ‘Her load is her lift,’ referring to the constructed wings of my hand-cut collages... Collage is especially useful in reframing media images of women since there’s an inherent double-meaning within collage — the meaning of the original context of an image or material, and the new meaning, or how it’s changed through the art process. Incorporating my background in Buddhist Art and Religious Studies into my work is one of the ways I’ve tried to solve the problem of how mainstream media limits the ways we view women. When I found my first 1949 Montgomery Ward mail-order catalog at an estate sale, I noticed parallels between the poses, gazes, and hand gestures of the fashion models, and deities in religious art. My impulse was to reinterpret their roles as divine beings.”

- Blythe King

How Many Moons, 2021
Hand-cut collage on panel
15 x 13 inches framed

Kicky Pants, 2021
Hand-cut collage on panel
15 x 13 inches framed

Silent Illumination, 2019
Hand-cut collage on panel
25 x 21.75 inches framed

Slipper Wings, 2021
Hand-cut collage on panel
15 x 12.75 inches framed

Spontaneously Emerge Transcendent, 2020
Hand-cut collage on panel
15 x 12 inches framed