Two visitors look at impressionist paintings in the gallery. Image courtesy of Jesùs Pino Photography.

Image courtesy of Jesùs Pino Photography.


The gallery is TEMPORARILY CLOSED FOR INSTALLATION as we prepare for our upcoming exhibitions. We’ll resume regular hours (noted below) on Friday, April 4.

Regular Gallery Open Hours:

Wednesday - Friday, 11AM - 5PM
Saturday, 10AM - 4PM
Closed Sunday - Tuesday

All groups of 10 people or more must book in advance before visiting Second Street Gallery. Please contact the gallery at 434-977-7284 or to book your visit. We may be unable to accommodate large groups without a reservation.

Visitor Code of Conduct

  1. Visitors should stay home if they are not feeling well and visit us another time.

  2. Second Street Gallery expects everyone be treated with kindness and respect. We value empathy, integrity, diversity, equity, access, and inclusion. Abusive, harassing, discriminatory, or threatening language or behavior toward staff or other visitors will not be tolerated. Thank you for helping us create a positive and welcoming environment for all.

  3. At our gallery, we value and respect the integrity of the artwork that we host in our space. In an effort to preserve and protect these items, we require that all visitors adhere to the following guidelines:

    Maintain a Safe Distance: Please make sure you remain at least an arm's length or about 3 feet away from any piece of artwork. This distance helps to prevent accidental bumping or touching, and it also helps to create the perfect milieu for appreciating the art.

    Avoid Physical Contact with the Art: Touching the artwork is strictly prohibited for visitors. The natural oils on human skin can damage or deteriorate artwork over time. Furthermore, some pieces in the gallery are delicate and could break under even light pressure.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Media Policy

Does Second Street Gallery allow photography or videotaping?
Photography for personal, non-commercial use is permitted in the galleries. The use of flash, tripods, and selfie sticks is prohibited. Personal videography is prohibited. For commercial filming and photography requests, as well as all editorial film- and photo-shoot requests, please contact the gallery with your request. Unless posted otherwise, photography of artwork included in exhibitions is permitted.

Commercial Filming and Photography includes:

    • Movie productions

    • Television productions

    • YouTube Channel, IG Live, and/or Facebook live productions and/or video streaming

    • Documentaries

    • Product or promotional campaigns

    • Non-exhibition-related campaigns and editorial content

Second Street Gallery is physically accessible. We are committed to providing a space that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of ability. Please contact us if you require additional assistance to visit our exhibitions.